Our Firm

Cetera Advisor Networks, is a large national firm.  Our firm was established in 1982 on the founding principle of creating a client-centered firm by having no sales quotas and no proprietary products--this principle remains to this day.  Today we are a full service investment firm with a wide range of financial products and services.  We offer these through traditional and fee-based relationships.

The El Dorado Hills branch of Cetera Advisor Networks is dedicated to ongoing investment research.  We work as a team as we continuously review current recomendations and evaluate new opportunities.   

Our Core Values

  • Integrity always at the forefront
  • Transparency and honesty in all aspects of our services

Our Investment Philosophy

  • Focused on longer-term results
  • Managing multiple risks as a priority

Our Approach 

  • Working as a team to provide well thought out, customized solutions
  • Considering all aspects of clients' situation